Mental health problems during COVID-19 period
Envisage you went to a party, enjoyed a lot , came home and after 2 – 3 days,
you developed fever symptoms , someone called the doctor and an ambulance came ,
picked you and threw you in an isolation ward and treated you as an untouchable
. After some days doctor ensured you that your doom is near.
Doesn't it seems like a horrible nightmare but indeed , news channels screams of
such news because we have certainly developed worldwide pandemic- COVID -19,
which has drastically affected our mental health plus the intellectual level.
Let's take a detail account on it. We all are aware that COVID-19 is incurable
swayed more than two lakh Indian masses and approx. 227K in the world and
Unfortunates were compelled to attain demise. Consequently, mentally, your
ferocious mind cautions about your health plus of your relatives and beloveds.
Further, we are attacked by sleeping disorder. Worsening of chronic health has
turned so stressful that we all are confronting relapsed rate of pre existing
mental problems , stigma exists , less social experiences, behavioural changes,
personal adjustment problems, poor tolerance, poor cerebral equilibrium,
inhibitions , taboos and myths, self efficiency reduction has certainly crushed
our mind.
Less intimate relationships, prejudice against Balmikis, Servants (Unhygienic
and can be peril for them) has led to social categorisation. Drives of our brain
are displaying interpersonal tensions, frustrations, personality disturbance in
form of pathology. Hustle bustle, chaotic mind has become new fashions that eats
our mind every second and have made us drowsy, all kept on dosing off at home.
Both the inactivity and continuous activity has made us miserable and board.
For instance, Kerala has been a proof where populace are contacting counsellors'
at large number relating to mental problem issues.
Business / Income loss, Contingency in conduct of examination has made students
so tensed, confused, unrewarding, tormenting, depressing and ruined the
soothness of their mind.
Moving to the isolation wards, Patient attains less emotional support and more
Thus, they loose their confidence and their hold on to life. They scream for
their celebration. Doctor possesses the feeling of futility. Inadequate PPE's
and mandatory duty tend to dominate fear over courage feeling. In whole,
Thanatos (destructive instinct) has caught us from all the sides.
Still there are remedial measures to obviate such stressful conditions. The very
first is to talk to your relatives disconnected from a long time. Embrace your
creativity and realise your potential. Consume green leafy vegetables. Ensure
your physical fitness.
Get engage in interesting and productive activities. It's a high time we all are
missing our schools and colleges, so talk and share feeds to the friends, take
plenty of sleep. Another method to unwind the time you may listen peaceful
songs, help your mothers in framing domestic task, you may read holy books like
The Bhagwat geeta and The Quran to imbibe positive vibes and to know about your
religion. In absence of it, you may also go through the novels, literatures,
stories and e-contents. Disconnect from fake news, excessive information of
vain. Feel compassion; energise yourself with the aesthetic beauty of nature
that's what you all can do being at home during lockdown.
Stay persistent with a thought – Stay home, safe and most mentally safe
To conclude I would like to quote: Chapter 2 verse 66 of The Bhagwat Geeta that
purely highlights importance of peace of mind and mental health:
Naasti buddhiryuktasya Na chaayuktasya bhaavana |
Na chaabhaavayataha shaantirashaantasya kutaha sukham
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